Strategic Approach to Growing Your Business

Work Smarter, Not Harder!

Hard work alone won’t guarantee bigger and better results – in fact sometimes it’s quite the opposite. In this mini-course you’ll get immediately implementable strategies to take your ideas and ambitions to the next level NOW! In the digital world, growth potential is limitless so let’s start leveraging the best possible tools!

"Become all you can be."

Discover How To:

Achieve your business vision with ultimate efficiency!

  • How to strategically achieve your big business vision, setting up a process and system that enables true growth

  • How to leverage your personal and business brands and position in the marketplace, while providing great value to customers

  • How to market and sell your services online and with ease, without ever having to feel like a pushy sales person

Sarah Potter Says:

"Having being supported by DiscoverChange team to launch my new networking concept Peer Genius, I’ve organised numerous events and I have my website and a membership platform for subscription. This has allowed me to scale my business and reach customers I didn't think were possible. Thank you for believing in me!"


When you register for the course you get the following bonuses:

  • Business Reading Tips + Quick Checklist: Things I Need To Grow My Business

  • Video: How to create and leverage digital information products and memberships?

  • Video + Templates: Online Sales Workshop & Business Automation

"Do today what your future self will benefit from."

What is this course about?

Is your idea or vision to operate a successful business that doesn't only bring excellent financial rewards, but also a lifestyle of freedom and fun?

Business is the gateway to the lifestyle you really want, but only when it's set up with the right systems. The opposite is chasing customers, low revenue, always feeling tired and stressed out, and keeping going in circles without any real improvement.

The 5 Steps to Achieve Your Vision mini-course is about gaining quick and powerful motivation and strategies to build your business empire. If you've had ideas about growing your business and reaching more customers, especially online, this course is a great way to put an immediate plan of action in place to start innovating and scaling. With the right structure, goals and marketing methods you can truly make selling simple, even enjoyable!

In less than 1-hour of business planning you will have gained confidence, sales focus, and clarity in achieving your vision now! You will even start discovering what your true leadership potential and influence could grow into. Register now for free and start becoming all you can be!

Tyrell Wilson Says:

"Susanne has really helped me with strategising and defining my business and services, giving me the correct mindset to set and hit targets. She’s helped me turn my business around making it a true success."

5 Steps to Achieve Your Big Business Vision

This mini course comes with a business journal, video and checklist.

Develop your powerful strategy to achieve your vision in life and business! With clear focus, confidence, clarity and specific systems, you can enjoy the rewards of entrepreneurship much quicker.

"The greatest risk of not pursuing your big vision, is that you'll never get to experience the higher purpose you're here for."

About us

DiscoverChange is a business development consultancy providing a range of innovative solutions to help businesses to digitalize, grow and scale. We provide consulting, online courses, business coaching, masterminds, and done-for-you online systems - all to help to make immediate and groundbreaking advancements in branding, marketing, sales, customer engagement, digital products, and business automation.

So if you are looking to strengthen your brand and influence, scale your business, and even reach an international audience, then you are in the right place. We are passionate about innovation, accelerated learning and growth, and helping you become all you can be in this world full of opportunities - given to the ones who are ready to receive them!

Learn Business on the Go

Listening to audiobooks is a great way to learn and get motivated, and to spend time effectively while commuting or doing other tasks! Audible by Amazon is one of the most popular options, with a free book every month.

"Business is the gateway to the lifestyle you really want."

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