Leaders are Readers!

Top Recommended Reading

Accelerate your business growth and leadership effectiveness by reading and listening to books. It is one of the best ways to take the next level personally and in business! With this versatile combination, you will learn about money mindset, resilience, business strategy, stress management, online marketing and growing sales.

The New Woman

Inspiring and thought-provoking stories about change and transformation. Susanne Virtanen, the founder of DiscoverChange, is one of the co-authors in The New Woman, and in her chapter ‘Reinvent Yourself’ she is sharing her journey of change and transformation and how she turned challenges into opportunities. Get these great strategies to create positive change in your life today!
The New Woman Cover

The Chimp Paradox

With the right mindset everything is possible! It’s time to discover how you can have the ultimate resilience and confidence to achieve the best things in life. As a leader, challenges and frustrations can feel insurmountable, but the key is to learn how to understand and manage yourself and your emotions highly effectively. This transformational book is a motivational life-changer!
The Chimp Paradox Cover

Expert Secrets

You have the power to change lives with your business and valuable services, and in this book you will discover how to communicate your powerful message to the right audience, particularly using the power of online marketing. Learn how to confidently share your story and position yourself as an expert in your field – and create a mass movement of people who want to pay for your advice!
Expert Secrets Cover

Rich Dad Poor Dad

This No1 best selling personal finance book shows you how to develop the money mindset that works in your favour and brings the results you want. Financial education and acumen are the key for creating a successful and lucrative business, and with the right mindset and strategies you will reach your goals much quicker. And enjoy the journey too!
Rich Dad Poor Dad Cover

Think and Grow Rich

This widely acclaimed book has changed many people’s lives – and now it’s your time to implement these timeless pieces of advice to live the prosperous life you want. In this powerful but easy-listening book you will discover these laws of success and how many leaders have built their empires. Time to accelerate your growth through the power of thought!
Think and Grow Rich Cover

Sandler Training's 7-Step System for Successful Selling

Your business success ultimately comes down to your sales! This transformational book shows the exact steps to create a sustainable and successful sales process. You don’t need to (and shouldn’t) be the pushy salesperson, but rather a sophisticated leader who provides and effectively communicates extraordinary value you get handsomely paid for.
Sandler's 7 Steps Cover

Learn Business on the Go

Listening to audiobooks is a great way to learn and get motivated, and to spend time effectively while commuting or doing other tasks! Audible by Amazon is one of the most popular options, with a free book every month.

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